How To Sell in GHPOS ERP Software
Sign in to your GHPOS Erp Software with your username and Password you come to a dashboard like this. Click on the POS Icon on the left in the Red Circle.
A Cash in hand. This is where you put the amount of money given to balancing customers after they have made with high amount than the things they bought. This amount will be added to the sales and separate at the end of day sales.
After Opening the register you will come to the front end of the Software where all sales will be recorded. Let identify part of the front-end of POS Ghpos ERP Software.
Selling Products, Changing Product Price, Tax & Discount, Lot number & Expiry
Go to – Sell -> POS
Selecting Customer:
By default, there is a “Walk-In Customer”. You can search for a customer by name/customer id or phone number or can add new customer by clicking the plus (+) button “Add Customer”.
Changing Product Price, Tax & Discount for a product
- After the products get added, click on the product name to modify product price, tax & discounts.
NOTE: Option for different tax in products will be shown only if - Inline tax is enabled. You can enable it from Business Settings -> Tax -> Enable Inline Tax in the purchase and sell
How to Increase or Decrease Quantity on the POS Screen
Use the plus + or minus – Sing at each quantity to increase or decrease the quantity of product on the POS Screen. You can also just type the quantity into the box. E.g if you want 10 quantities, can just type highlight the quantity box and type 10 on your keyboard into the quantity box.
Selecting Lot number for a product
- If lot number is enabled then it will show the option to select lot number. (Enabling Lot number)
Selecting Expiry for a product
- Expiry Date: If the expiry date is enabled then it will show the option to select lot number. (Enabling expiry)
Cancel Sales: To cancel the sales click on the cancel button. Cancel invoices are not saved in the system, so no stock will be deducted.
Item, Total, Discount, Order Tax and Shipping
Items: Items indicate the number of total items on the transaction
Total: this indicates the total amount of the receipt transaction
Discount: This shows the total discount given on the receipt
Order Tax: Total Tax on the receipt
Draft & Quotation
This is useful if you want to create a quotation before sales.
Marking sales as Draft or Quotations will not deduct the available stock.
You can view all Quotations & Drafts from List Quotation or List Draft respectively. Existing draft/Quotation can be edited to make it as final sales.
Suspended Sales
Suspend Sales means unfinished sales or hold Sales.
Suspended sales stock gets deducted from available stock. You can view all suspended sales by clicking on the Yellow Color button present in the very top right of the screen (above the date).
Some Use Case of Suspended sales
- In a grocery store, if you have a suspended button, you can suspend particular customer sales and entertain another customer, when he comeback you can proceed with his sale.
- In Restaurant, you can suspend the order of customers if not yet paid, and finish it when they finish eating and paid their order, so you can proceed to final sales. You can put Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3… so when they finish it’s easy to identify table 3 going to pay.
- In the hotel lots of customers check in stay for 2 nights and order some foods and customers say, just charge to room 024. So you can suspend their orders and edit if there is some additional order and suspend again. Until final it when they pay their bills. on Hotel, on Reference Number: Room 009, Room 012
Card / Multiple Pay / Cash
- Multiple Pay: Used when the customer wants to pay with different payment methods like some amount by card, some by cash, and some other payment methods. This option is also used when the customer doesn’t pay the exact tender amount and you need to calculate the Return Change.
- Card: Used when the customer wants to pay the complete invoice by card.
- Cash: Used when the customer pays the exact amount of the invoice by cash. If the customer pays less or more amount than the invoice amount then use Multiple Pay to get a change return.
Cancel Sales:
To cancel the sales click on the cancel button. Cancel invoices are not saved in the system, so no stock will de deducted.
To finalize the invoice click on Finalize – Add the payment options and save it.
On save it will display an invoice printing option.
NOTE: For invoice to print correctly – The Margins options should be set to “Default”.
List of sales can be viewed from Sell -> List Sales.
List of drafts can be viewed from Sell -> Drafts.
Both Sell & Drafts can be edited to make any changes.
Express Checkout: Express Checkout means the sale will be marked as Paid and the payment method will be cash. No separate payment screen will be displayed. Printing of invoices depends on the business location settings.
Adding payments from Contact
Go to contact -> Suppliers. Click on actions for the supplier and it will show “Pay Due amount”, click on it and pay the amount. “Pay Due amount” this option is not displayed if there is no payment due.
Adding/Editing Payment Method or Pay-Via
100% Credit Sales
- To sell on credit to the customer you first need to enable this button by going to Settings -> Business Settings -> POS -> Show Credit Sale Button
- Then on the POS screen, you will be able to see a button “Credit Sale”, simply click this button to make sales on credit.